In short




2018-01-01 > 2019-12-31


Exploratory research


EUR 3 199 900,00


EUR 1 395 649,25


R&D completed

Putting U-space services to the test in operational scenarios

PODIUM carried out demonstrations at five operational sites in Denmark, France and the Netherlands during 2018 and 2019. The project tested the performance of pre-flight and in-flight services using different scenarios ranging from airport locations to beyond visual line of sight. The results were used to draw up recommendations on future deployment, regulations and standards.

The project collected and analysed validation data from 41 post demonstration questionnaires completed by participants; five facilitated de-briefing sessions; and observations from validation experts and partners. The partners considered the maturity of services and technology and analysed the impact on flight efficiency, safety, security and human performance metrics.

Today, drone operators must perform a number of manual processes before they can fly. All this takes extra time and effort which can affect the commercial viability of drone operations. PODIUM looked to reduce the risks inherent to the operational and industrial deployment of U-space by demonstrating a web-based UTM system – including an open cloud-based solution and a secure gateway solution - using tracking systems based on ADS-B 1090 MHz, UNB- L-Band, and mobile telephony networks.

Drones operate in low-level airspace where they need to comply with local restrictions and regulations while take account of changing circumstances such as the weather. The PODIUM web-based platform enables drone operators and authorities to follow drone operations in real-time and connect with the pilot where necessary.

PODIUM concluded that there is a very strong demand from all stakeholders for U-space solutions that can ease the burden of obtaining flight authorisations for drone flights, and that increased situational awareness enables safety and efficiency benefits during flight execution. It found U-space services for the pre-flight phase almost ready for deployment, but concluded that significant action is needed to ensure that U-space services can really take off in the flight execution phase. In particular, PODIUM made recommendations relating to tracking, the human machine interface for drone pilots, and the access to trustworthy data – with implications for standardisation and regulation, and further research and development.

PODIUM Project Deliverables

Preparatory work and flight trials were performed throughout 2018 and 2019, leading to the issue of a final report with conclusions and recommendations on deployment. Hereafter the list of deliverables :

Concept & Architecture

Demonstration Report

Human Performance Assessment Report

Odense demo report

Rodez demo report

Bretigny demo report

The Netherlands demo report

How to read the PODIUM deliverables? 
1/ You’d like a brief introduction to PODIUM and the main results? We recommend that you read the executive summary and the conclusions and recommendations in the PODIUM demonstration report (D1_2).
2/ You’d like to go into more depth about the services, sites, operational scenarios, validation approach, etc.? We recommend that you take a closer look at the whole of the PODIUM demonstration report (D1-2) and maybe the Concept & Architecture definition (D2-1)..
3/ You are a real U-space and UTM fanatic, and you’re keen to go into the details of PODIUM? You are very welcome to browse all of the deliverables.
Thanks for taking an interest in PODIUM!


This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 783230

European Union