In short


PJ19-W2 CI


2019-12-01 > 2022-12-31


Industrial research


EUR 21 118 391,25


EUR 2 904 371,32




PJ19 W2 CI is a transversal activity of the SESAR 2020 Programme in continuation of the SESAR Wave 1 PJ19 CI Content Integration project.

It aimed to integrate the SESAR Solutions into the integrated European ATM System in order to achieve the objectives set by the ATM Master Plan (MP). This integrated European ATM System provides the overall European ATM concept, the high level architecture options, the services, the supporting solutions, and the performance achievements associated with them. As such, PJ19 W2 did not create any specific ATM concept or solution but produced a set of deliverables which consolidate the SESAR 2020 Programme outcomes and provides yearly integrated reference material – the SESAR 2020 Architecture release (EATMA version) . This was done in close collaboration and coordination with all SESAR 2020 Solutions and the SJU through continuous, rolling and iterative content integration.

PJ19-W2 allowed the assessment of the overall performance of the SESAR Solutions compared with the performance improvements expected for the European ATM. Whilst the decisions are made by SJU management and SESAR governance, PJ19 W2 activities supported and guided the processes (e.g. safety, security assessment, human performance, performance assessment, cost benefit analysis (CBA), architecture, requirements) to bring the SESAR Solutions together and assess their maturity (completeness, consistency and coherency) from a holistic perspective represented in the SESAR 2020 Concept of Operations.

The PJ19 W2 activities provided major inputs for the ATM MP production (ATM architecture information (e.g. data set), performance and CBA consolidation, business case production), which were further consolidated at the time of the ATM MP update campaign by the PJ20 W2 ‘Master Planning’ project. PJ19-W2 provided support for the SJU/SESAR governance decision-making and programme execution monitoring and also contributed to the realisation of the ATM MP.

This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 874473

European Union